Since the 2008-2009 academic year, a process of design and implementation of a new learning environment, that is gradually replacing the environment formerly described, is being carried out. The characteristics of the interfaces that are already working, are described below.

News related to the course, classified into four categories: external (news), internal (news), work to hand in and assessments

Content of each theme, structure in units and organized by sections. These contents summarize the main ideas of professors, expressed in class.

Resources for doing the exercises, classified by theme (painting, photography, architecture,…) and format (book, article, video,…). Every resource can be assigned to one or several themes.

Pedagogical activities organized in sequences. This interface gives a synoptic vision of the work that is carried out in a certain theme.

Description of the pedagogical activity within its sequence. In” selecting the activity”, student work is shown. Work can be filter and organized in various ways: by name, by theme, by date

In the planning, development and maintenance of the SDR: NETWORKING environment, the following students of the Department of Multimedia and Computer Engineering La Salle, participated:

· Marta Salgado, , web environment developer, webmaster
· Josep Civit, web environment developer, webmaster
· Joan Madrid, web environment developer

The coordination of the software development team was in charge of Álvaro Sicilia, Senior Computer Engineer.

In the graphic design, the following person collaborated:

· Jose Torralba

Project Leader:

· Leandro Madrazo