30/04/2019 publicada por Adrià Sanchez-Llorens Llorens


30/04/2019 publicada por Adrià Sanchez-Llorens Llorens

https://dafilmfestival.com/es/ Each spring, the D’A Film Festival Barcelona offers an extensive review of current world cinema, screening an international panorama of the finest contemporary auteur cinema, combining the discovery of emerging new talents and cinematographies with internationally established directors and films.

29/04/2019 publicada por Leandro Madrazo

V Edició d’Arqu[in]Film, Mostra de Cinema d’Arquitectura, 9-12 Maig, organitzada per ARQUIN-FAD a la Filmoteca de Catalunya. Amb la 5a edició de Arqu[in]Film, la mostra de Cinema d’Arquitectura de Barcelona, pretenem seguir contribuint al debat arquitectònic i urbanístic a la ciutat. La mostra és una cita ineludible per a tot aquell interessat en l’arquitectura, l’urbanisme, i la transformació del medi físic per l’ésser humà.

09/04/2019 publicada por Adrià Sanchez-Llorens Llorens

Date:   04/08/2019 - 04/11/2019   A decade ago, Ila Bêka and Louise Lemoine worked together to experiment with new narrative and cinematographic forms to tackle the analysis of contemporary architecture and urban environments.   They have developed a very unique personal approach to what can be defined - using the words of the French author Georges Perec - as an "anthropology of the ordinary". His work has been described as a new mode of architectural criticism, which has dramatically transformed the way of observing architecture.   http://www.filmoteca.cat/web/programacio/cicles/cinema-i-arquitectura-beka-lemoine

04/04/2019 publicada por Adrià Sanchez-Llorens Llorens

23.03 – 23.06.2019 - Photographs from People of the 20th Centuryconstitutes the most comprehensive exhibition ever staged in Spain on August Sander’s project of the same name. La Virreina Centre de la Imatge Palau de la Virreina La Rambla, 99. 08002 Barcelona Opening hours: Tuesday to Sunday and public holidays, 11 am to 8 pm Free entry Free guided tours: Tuesday at 6 pm Saturday and Sunday at noon 

18/03/2019 publicada por Leandro Madrazo

Stanley Kubrick, CCCB, 24 October 2018 - 31 March 2019. The exhibition reviews the creative career of New York director Stanley Kubrick (1928-1999), from his formative years as a photographer at Look magazine, to his 12 feature films, closing with his projects that remained uncompleted or were taken on by other filmmakers.

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Información sobre actividades culturales relacionadas con los contenidos de la asignatura, así como de exposiciones y otros eventos organizados en el marco del curso.