I-GRID 2.0

This web application was created from the previously acquired experience with I-GRID. Unlike the former application, I-GRID 2.0 is a web application integrated with the learning environment of SDR: NETWORKING. This application incorporates two procedures for creating compositions from a square figure. From a composition, variations can be generated within the same environment. The composition series can be reorganized before being published in the environment of SDR: NETWORKING.

Transformations not only operate with geometry but also with colors. In this way, for example, colors can be divided following a gradient pattern which the user is able to select, out of an available group of options. In the first procedure a unique geometric pattern is applied that consists in dividing a square area of the figure into four equal squares in a successive way and without limit, being able to do the inverse until obtaining the original square. The second procedure allows to divide the figure into rectangular forms in column or row format, until certain number. Once the divisions are established, the program allows to change the limits that separate the two rectangular identities or either fusion them.

IGRID 2.0 is used in the exercises of the theme of FIGURE, since the academic course 2004- 2005.

Application interface I- GRID 2.0

I-GRID 1.0

The first version of I- GRID was programmed with Autocad allowing creating compositions based on lattice structures in an intuitive way. The programme incorporates three procedures for constituting a figure from the division of a square with recursive operations. Every procedure involves a formal structure that distinguishes it from the other. In this way, it is possible to create the same composition through three different procedures. Although the formal result is the same, the way of thinking the shape- in other words, of understanding the components that integrate it and its relationships- is different in every procedure. In this way, and with this application, students are able to understand the inherent meaning of the Gestalt, with a shape.

I- GRID 1.0 was used to do the exercises of the theme of FIGURE, from 2000 to 2003.

Composition procedures intergrated in the application I-GRID

Interface of the application I-GRID

Composition series done by students with the I-GRID programme