18/03/2019 publicada por Leandro Madrazo

Stanley Kubrick, CCCB, 24 October 2018 - 31 March 2019. The exhibition reviews the creative career of New York director Stanley Kubrick (1928-1999), from his formative years as a photographer at Look magazine, to his 12 feature films, closing with his projects that remained uncompleted or were taken on by other filmmakers.

20/02/2019 publicada por Leandro Madrazo

Fundación MAPFRE Casa Garriga Nogués, Barcelona, until May 19, 2019. Ground-breaking and bold, the North American photographer Berenice Abbott served as a bridge between the cultural circles of Paris and New York in the 1920s and 1930s. Abbott's portraits of Parisian artists and intellectuals and her vision of the transformations of New York City are outstanding depictions of the modernity of the 20th century

16/02/2019 publicada por Leandro Madrazo

Fondation Beyler, Basel, Switzerland. FEBRUARY 3 – MAY 26, 2019- THE YOUNG PICASSO. BLUE AND ROSE PERIODS. This exhibition, the most ambitious ever staged by the Fondation Beyeler, is devoted to the paintings and sculptures of the young Pablo Picasso from the so-called Blue and Rose periods, between 1901 and 1906. For the first time in Europe, the masterpieces of these crucial years, every one of them a milestone on Picasso’s path to preeminence as the twentieth century’s most famous artist, are presented together, in a concentration and quality that are unparalleled. Picasso’s pictures from this phase of creative ferment are some of the finest and most emotionally compelling examples of modern painting, and are counted among the most valuable and sought-after works in the entire history of art. It is unlikely that they will be seen again in such a selection in a single place.

16/02/2019 publicada por Leandro Madrazo

For the second year running, Llum BCN transforms the streets of Poblenou into a huge, open-air experimentation laboratory using light as the creative medium and the work of artists, designers and architects from all over the world who are exploring the possibilities offered by new technologies in urban spaces such as dynamic lighting, large-scale projection and interactive environments

05/02/2019 publicada por Mario Hernandez Mola

Royal Academy of Arts, London, until March 31, 2019 "Bill Viola / Michelangelo. Life Death Rebirth". In 2006, pioneering video artist Bill Viola saw the finest of a collection of these drawings at Windsor Castle, and was astonished by the Renaissance master’s expressive use of the body to convey emotional and spiritual states. Although created in a radically different medium, Viola’s own works also grapple with life’s fundamental questions, asking us to consider the thresholds between birth, life and death. Both artists harness the symbolic power of sacred art, and both show us physical extremes and moments of transcendence.   This exhibition explores the affinities between Bill Viola and Michelangelo, and is conceived as an immersive journey through the cycle of life.

05/02/2019 publicada por Mario Hernandez Mola

Casa Elizalde, del 15 de gener de 2019 al 23 de febrer de 2019. Loop presenta una exposició  que s’aproxima al vídeo com a espai de creació en la intersecció amb altres disciplines. Degut al seu caràcter temporal i la constant renovació tecnològica, el vídeo destaca com a eina capaç d’experimentar, analitzar i captar la forma del temps en què vivim. Les peces seleccionades provenen de col·leccions privades i proposen connexions entre el vídeo, la dansa, la pintura o l’arquitectura, que van més enllà dels límits tradicionals de cada llenguatge.

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Información sobre actividades culturales relacionadas con los contenidos de la asignatura, así como de exposiciones y otros eventos organizados en el marco del curso.