02/05/2018 publicada por Leandro Madrazo

MACHINES FOR LIVING "Flamenco and Architecture in the Occupation and Vacating of Spaces" Palau de la Virreina, Barcelona, from 23.2.18 thru 20.5.18. This project traces historical genealogy of the ways of situating ;oneself in the modern space, architecture and urbanism,developed between the middle of the 20th century and the present day. Our era has turned living into an administered manner of dwelling. This formula needsturning back to front to make living a political mode of dwelling in the world.

02/05/2018 publicada por Leandro Madrazo

THE POLAROID PROJECT, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, Hamburg, 16.3.18 thru 17.6.18. Polaroid! A brand that has long since become legendary. One look at Instagram is enough to show how instant photography transformed the medium in ways that are still pervasive today. The exhibition positions the Polaroid phenomenon at the crossroads between art and technology. Outstanding artists from Ansel Adams to Andy Warhol used the medium of the instant photo to blaze new trails with their art, leaving a lasting mark on the aesthetics of an entire era. Featuring some 240 photos by 120 artists, The Polaroid Project sheds light on the whole aesthetic spectrum of instant photography while also demonstrating based on 87 camera models and prototypes the innovative technology that made this visual revolution possible in the first place. The Polaroid works on view range from the early days of the company in 1955 through to 2015. The main focus is on art from the 1980s and 90s. Instant camera film, presented to the public for the first time in 1947 by Edwin H. Land in New York, shortened the time needed to make, develop, and view a photograph to just a few minutes. This was the beginning of a mode of picture-making that lives on today in digital photography and the sharing of snapshots or selfies in online photo portals. The current hype for Polaroid apps for smartphones, along with the instant cameras that have been reintroduced onto the market, attest to the lasting popularity of the medium. With today’s flood of digital imagery, however, the quality that makes the Polaroid special has been turned into the opposite: When you take a Polaroid photo of a passing moment or a social occasion, the result is a unique physical, analogue object, which you can hold in your hand while you wait in suspense and anticipation as the image slowly appears as if by magic.

19/04/2018 publicada por Adrià Sanchez-Llorens Llorens

From the 19th of April, an exhibition, named Manolo Laguillo 2017 / El Besòs. From Montcada i Reixac to the sea, can be visited in the "Espai Picasso". It is a photographic review with a large report of the river and its surroundings.   https://arquitectes.cat/content/col%C2%B7leccions-coac15-manolo-laguillo-el-bes%C3%B2s

02/04/2018 publicada por Leandro Madrazo

Museu Coleção Berardo, Lisbon, from March 1 thru June 3rd, 2018. No Place Like Home explores the question of what happens if we restore objects-turned-artworks to their “natural” place within a quasi-home. The exhibition’s theme, range and layout – as well as its IKEA-inspired catalogue – offer us an experience of a “home” that is at once familiar and disorienting. Visitors at the exhibition, designed in the spirit of an architectural plan, play the part of the family.

01/04/2018 publicada por Leandro Madrazo

From March 30 to June 10, 2018, the Fondation Cartier pour l’art contemporain presents Freeing Architecture, the first major solo exhibition devoted to the work of Junya Ishigami. 

18/12/2017 publicada por Leandro Madrazo

Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao, December 5, 2017 – April 15, 2018 The point of departure of Art and Space is the collaboration between Basque sculptor Eduardo Chillida and German philosopher Martin Heidegger in 1969, which resulted in the publication of an artist book whose title inspired that of this exhibition. By updating and fleshing out concepts and questions embedded in that extraordinary dialogue, this show presents more than 100 works by international artists and offers itself as a reinterpretation of the history of abstraction in the past six decades.

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