
The research encompasses three areas:

  • – Energy model. Development of an energy model that includes data specific to the building and its context (economic, social, climate) that affect its energy performance.
  • – Information system. Development of ontologies to integrate data from various sources, proprietary and open using standard languages of the semantic web (OWL and RDF). The created ontologies are exposed on the Internet to facilitate access to other users.
  • – Analysis of the information. Application of advanced data mining techniques (clustering, decision trees, neural networks) to analyze the information semantically modeled.

The three areas of research are integrated in different use cases, each focused on a phase of the building lifecycle:

  • – Use Case 1: Design phase. The goal is to provide the project team qualified information on consumption and demand derived from examples of good practice  as well as design criteria for building systems and facilities.
  • – Use Case 2: Management Phase. Information provided to building energy managers which enables them to optimize the building’s behavior based on the reference data obtained from other buildings.
  • – Use case 3: Operation phase. Information on buildings performance that helps to set energy efficiency targets to achieve in the rehabilitation of buildings.

Through the energy information system is possible to link the information generated during the various phases of the building lifecycle. For example, in the design stage the technical team can get information about the actual behavior of a particular type of building  with use and climatic conditions equivalent to the planned building in order to establish more precisely the goals to achieve in the project. The data sources which are developing ontologies have been provided by ICAEN (energy certificates), Leako (consumption in homes), and CIMNE (billing of consumption).

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