ARC is a multidisciplinary research group dedicated to the design, development and application of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) sector. The group started its activities in 1999. In 2009 it was officially recognized as a research group by the Catalan Government, and this acknowledgement was renewed again in 2014. During this time, the group has carried out numerous educational and research projects, whose results have been published in journals and at international conferences.

Currently, the research lines in which the group is working are the following:

Smart cities: Energy information systems, decision-making systems and planning tools to optimize energy performance in buildings and cities (smart energy cities); technologies to support city planning, management and operation (smart government); decision support systems to improve buildings energy efficiency.

ICT for Architecture, Engineering and Construction: Integration of BIM technologies in the building lifecycle (design, construction and facilities management); BIM-based building component catalogues; open building systems; modular housing systems.

Technology Enhanced Learning: Web-based collaborative learning environments; repositories of learning resources; digital libraries; blended-learning.

The technological solutions applied in the projects developed along these research lines include: Semantic Web, Linked data, Semantic interoperability, BIM/IFC, GIS, Information visualization, Energy simulation, Data mining, Decision support systems, Mobile applications, Genetic algorithms, and Rule-based systems.

Some of our most noteworthy projects funded by national and international research programs in Europe are: SEMANCO (FP7 program), OIKONET, OIKODOMOS and HOUSING@21.EU (EU Lifelong Learning Program); BARCODE HOUSING SYSTEM and REPENER (Spanish National RDI plan). Currently, the group is participating as partner in these research projects: OPTEEMAL (Horizon 2020), OPTIMUS (FP7 program), and ENERSI (Spanish National RDI programme).

Among the technological solutions developed in these projects we highlight the BARCODE HOUSING SYSTEM, the SEIS energy information system, the energy services platform EECITIES and the semantic search engine OIKONTOLOGY.

ARC is member of the OPENCITYDATA network of excellence, co-funded by the Spanish National RDI programme.

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© ARC Enginyeria i Arquitectura La Salle-Universitat Ramon Llull, Barcelona - 2024